Covid 19: CIFRI adopts Salia reservoir in Odisha for livelihood improvement of fishers

Covid 19: CIFRI adopts Salia reservoir for livelihood improvement of fishers

In an effort to improve the income and livelihood opportunities for Schedule Caste fishers under Salia reservoir areas in Odisha, ICAR-CIFRI has initiated an innovative reservoir enhancement program in consultation with Fisheries Department, Govt. of Odisha and Primary Fisheries Cooperative Society, Salia under SCSP program. There are more than 200 SC households depends on the reservoir for their livelihoods.

Production plan

The program was initiated to improve the production from 30 tons to at least 60 tons from this reservoir. Before the coronavirus outbreak, the institute has initiated a nursery raising program to develop advanced fingerlings as the stocking material in the reservoir for production enhancement.

In two acres of nursery, area fries were stocked 1.0 lakh no of IMC fish fry were stocked in the nursery with a stocking density of 0.50 lakh/ Ac.  The fish seed was stocked in the month of October 2019. During the lockdown period of the COVID-19 pandemic situation, the fishers were in constant touch with the scientific staff of the institute and they were advised to take care of the nursery and feed regularly to the stock.

 On 21st and 22nd May 2020, ICAR-CIFRI conducted a successful fish seed stocking program in the reservoir. The stocked advanced fingerlings were approximately 30g in size. The objective of growing these fish seed in the captive nursery is to develop stunted fingerlings.

Covid 19: CIFRI adopts Salia reservoir for livelihood improvement of fishers

Seed stocking

During this fish seed stocking in reservoir, 25000 nos of advance stunted fingerlings of Indian Major Carps were stocked in Salia reservoir.  It is estimated that, from this fish seed stocking approximately, 10 ton fish production can be additionally achieved from this reservoir. This is the first phase of seed stocking and the rest fish seed of approximately 50,000 numbers in the nursery will be released in phased manner in the month of June.

The reservoir enhancement program is aimed at increasing the fishers’ income in the post COVID era. The implementation of this innovative program will generate an additional income of Rs. 30.00 lakh for the SC fishers of the Salia reservoir.

CIFRI participation

The program was planned and designed by Dr B. K. Das, Director, ICAR-CIFRI. Keeping in mind, the threats of pandemic COVID 19, face mask and sanitizer were distributed among the fishermen and all the activities were conducted maintaining social distance.

The fishers were made aware of the importance of advanced fingerling stocking and how the stocking can yield higher production from the reservoir. The program was conducted by Mr. H. S. Swain and Mr. M. H Ramteke, Scientist, ICAR-CIFRI with active support by Dr. P.K. Parida and Dr. Lianthuamluaia in-charge, SCSP program.

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