Union Finance & Corporate Affairs Minister, Smt. Nirmala Sitharaman, today in her press conference announced the 3rd Tranche of measures taken by the Government to strengthen Infrastructure Logistics, Capacity Building, Governance, and Administrative Reforms for Agriculture, Fisheries, and Food Processing Sectors.

For fisheries Sector, all 4 COVID related announcements made on 24th March for fisheries have been implemented. Further, Registration of 242 Registered Shrimp hatcheries and Nauplii Rearing Hatcheries expiring on 31.03.2020 extended for 3 months and Operations of Marine Capture Fisheries and Aquaculture relaxed to cover Inland Fisheries.
Smt. Sitharaman said that the announcements made by the Government today will provide long-term and sustained impact on the lives of farmers, fishermen, food processing micro-enterprises.
The Finance Minister announced Rs 20,000 crore for fisherman through Pradhan Mantri Matsya Sampada Yojana (PMMSY).
The Government will launch the PMMSY for integrated, sustainable, inclusive development of marine and inland fisheries. Rs 11,000 crore for activities in Marine, Inland fisheries and Aquaculture and Rs. 9000 crore for Infrastructure – Fishing Harbours, Cold chain, Markets etc shall be provided.
Cage Culture, Seaweed farming, Ornamental Fisheries as well as New Fishing Vessels, Traceability, Laboratory Network etc. will be key activities. There will be provisions of Ban Period Support to fishermen (during the period fishing is not permitted), Personal & Boat Insurance.
This will lead to Additional Fish Production of 70 lakh tones over 5 years, Employment to over 55 lakh persons and double the exports to Rs 1,00,000 crore. The focus will be on Islands, Himalayan States, North-east and Aspirational Districts.
The fisheries sector has been badly hit by the global pandemic. The nationwide lock-down has also impacted the aquaculture sector. Limits of transportation and shortage of labourers have added to the woes of fish and shrimp farmers in the country.
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